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  Scott Sammler demonstrates the finer points of furling the sleeves of the USCG ODUs.
 Quindy Sammler (FSO-MS) gives a presentation on Aquatic Nuisance Species. Wan Yu (Winiie) Zhou gives a presentation on the various public affairs events that she and her team gave over the summer.
Gloriana on patrol in the bay.

Flotilla 12-01 Auxiliarists participated in a Navy Sea Cadets training event.

Sea Cadets complete a wide variety of training opportunities in groups around the country.

The training is approved by the U.S. Navy and follows a standardized training curriculum. 

Cadets receive 106 hours of instruction, with a focus on the Navy’s core values of honor, courage, and commitment.

Both tone and tenor of instruction are modeled after the Navy’s recruit training.

Members of the Navy Sea Cadets deliver presentation at Flotilla meeting.  
  Quindy Sammler adds "Dockwalker" to her list of achievements.
Heinz Steffens conducts vessel safety checks at Grand Marina as part of his qualification to become a Vessel Examiner.  
Six members of 12-01 attend Dockwalkers training at the Oakland Yacht Club. Under the leadership of Doug Beckstein (FC) and the work of our Flotilla FSOs, Flotilla Meetings have seen a rise in involvement by its Members. 


Flotilla's 12-01 and 12-91 worked together to perform VSCs at Emeryville Cove. 

Rajiv Bhardwaj assists a Emeryville boater find the ideal location for his bright, shiny, and new Vessel Safety Check decal. Auxiliarist Kaplan deliver a presentation on the proper wearing of the USCG AUX uniform.
Auxiliary Swift performs a vessel safety check for a recreational sailor. Members take the Vessel Examiner class at PAC.



Auxiliarist Firehock delivers a presentation on how to report mission hours using Form 7029. Sold out crowd for the About Boating Safety class.
Another sold out 12-01 Flotilla Meeting.    Auxiliarist Schimmelman delivers a presentation for an ABS boating safety class.

CONGRATULATIONS to the “Semper Paratus” Club!!!

CCSF officers and members completed the Texas A&M University (TEEX) FEMA PER-334 (Search & Rescue in Community Disasters) training this past weekend with the 129th CSMR (California State Military Reserve) Support Group Search & Rescue (SAR) unit at the San Jose National Guard Armory!  
Shout out to Club President Mohammad Malik, Vice-President Rosie Fernandez, ICC rep Phateama Jefferson, and Club members Sidon Abai and Alyce James for successfully and impressively completing the 2-day course. You represented the Club and CCSF well!
'Special shout out’ to Rosie, who led the final, culminating search exercise like a true ‘soldier.’ You greatly impressed the soldiers and officers of the 129th.